Hansel and Gretel Scene 1 “One day, a granddaughter couldn’t sleep and then she wanted her grandma to tell a story for her.” Granddaughter:“Granma, I can’t sleep” (come to her granma) Granma:“But why, dear? It’s time to sleep” Granddaughter: “But, I can’t. Can you tell me a story?” Granma: “Ehm.. Okay. How about Hansel and Gretel story?” Granddaughter: “That’s a good idea. Let you start the story!” (look enthusiastic) (Granma start to tell the story) Granma: “Once upon a time there were a father and his children. He was cutting a tree while his children were playing hide an seek.” (Father cuts the tree and the children play a game) Hansel:“1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10! Ready or not, here I come!” (Gretel moves into the bushes while giggling. Hansel keeps looking) Hansel: “Gretel? Gretel! Where are you?” (Hansel suddenly sees Gretel) Hansel: “Ha! I found you!” Gretel:“But you didn’t tag me!”(She runs) (Hansel chases Gretel, trips, falls down) Father:...
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