Akhir-akhir ini,
rasanya seneng banget nostalgia. Apalagi berhubungan sama hal-hal yang aku
lakukan di masa SD dan SMP. Salah satunya, dulu aku suka sama film Barbie. Yang
paling berkesan itu film Barbie: The Princess and The Pauper soalnya
lagu-lagunya masih aku inget sampai sekarang.
Ada satu lagu
yang emang sesuai banget nih. Judulnya Free.
Ini tuh
ngegambarin kesibukannya Annelise (The Princess) sama Erika (The Pauper). Mereka
sibuk dengan tugas mereka masing-masing. Mereka sama-sama mengharapkan
kebebasan dari tugas mereka dan keinginan meraih impian mereka yang belum
tercapai karena terhalang tugas yang mereka emban.
Tapi, meski
begitu, mereka tetap berusaha tinggal karena tugas adalah hal yang harus
dilakukan dan apabila ditinggalkan, tentu akan membuat penyesalan yang panjang
di kemudian hari. Tapi, mereka tetap percaya, dalam impian mereka, mereka tetap
bisa bebas mendapatkan apa yang selama ini mereka inginkan.
mungkin apa yang dimiliki saat ini tidak sesuai dengan apa yang kita inginkan. Ditambah
lagi tanggung jawab atas tugas yang diberikan yang tidak sesuai dengan
keinginan hati. Tapi, tugas tetaplah tugas. Harus tetap diselesaikan. Meskipun
begitu, bukan berarti impian yang dimiliki diabaikan begitu saja. Tetaplah
percaya bisa meraih mimpi yang diinginkan. Karena dengan percaya, bukan tidak
mungkin suatu hari nanti mimpi itu akan terwujud. Be positive about every
condition we’re in right now and believe that dreams will be come true someday :)
All my life I've always wanted
To have one day just for me
Nothing to do and for once nowhere I need to be
With no lessons, lords, or lunches
Or to-do list in the way
No one to say when to eat or read or leave or stay
That would be the day
To have one day just for me
Nothing to do and for once nowhere I need to be
With no lessons, lords, or lunches
Or to-do list in the way
No one to say when to eat or read or leave or stay
That would be the day
All my life I've always wanted
To have one day for myself
Not waking up with a pile of work on every shelf
With no hems in need of pressing
And no sleeves in disarray
No wedding gown with a thousand stitches to crochet
And no debt to pay
To have one day for myself
Not waking up with a pile of work on every shelf
With no hems in need of pressing
And no sleeves in disarray
No wedding gown with a thousand stitches to crochet
And no debt to pay
What would it be like to be
What would it be like to be
Free to try crazy things
Free from endless IOU's
Free to fly
Free to sing
And marry whom I choose
What would it be like to be
Free to try crazy things
Free from endless IOU's
Free to fly
Free to sing
And marry whom I choose
You would think that
I'm so lucky
That I have so many things
I'm realizing that every present comes with strings
That I have so many things
I'm realizing that every present comes with strings
Though I know I have so little
My determination's strong
People will gather around the world to hear my song
Can I come along?
Now I fear I'll never be
Soon I will forever be
I close my eyes and feel myself fly a thousand miles away
I could take flight but would it be right
My conscience tells me stay
My determination's strong
People will gather around the world to hear my song
Can I come along?
Now I fear I'll never be
Soon I will forever be
I close my eyes and feel myself fly a thousand miles away
I could take flight but would it be right
My conscience tells me stay
I'll remain forever royal
I'll repay my parent's debt
”Duty means doing the things your heart may well regret”
But I'll never stop believing
She can never stop my schemes
There's more to living than gloves and gowns and threads and seams
In my dreams
I'll be free
I'll repay my parent's debt
”Duty means doing the things your heart may well regret”
But I'll never stop believing
She can never stop my schemes
There's more to living than gloves and gowns and threads and seams
In my dreams
I'll be free
share ya :3
BalasHapusmonggo :3